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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Load database: A Recurring Issue!

Hi Guys,

As we already aware for loading a database , there cann't be any user online in the DB.

In our env, we are killing these spids before actual database load in script.

Sometime it works, sometime fails as clinet ids logged in so frequently in server so during the actual load statement database again comes in use status.

This is very frequent issue which I have seen in many enviorment where clined ids logged in very rapidally.

For that we using the some alternative as locking the ids manually and once the load starts we unlock.( We cannt wait untill load finish for unlock of ids) . This task required the manual intervention.

I would like to raise a question, why sybase cann't provide the load database with kill option, beacuse any above such alternative would not be 100% effective as killing the spids ( by any way) and loading the database is two diffrent task. Between both task execution, there must be some time gap may be in millsecond, and that time gap is suffcient for any login id to logged ins.

One more option can be :

We can make database in offline state( something like that so no one can use it) before load database, aftre that we will go for load database.

Kindly let me know your thoughts and suggest if any thing I am missing above.

I have posted the same in various forums as well, will update you if I'll get any response.

till then..



  1. [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by syb anva, said: Load database: A Recurring Issue! [...]

  2. Hi,
    I don't know much about DBA side, however i would like to put forth a point that if we run the command of load database, not sure this requires login in database or not, so while killing the login ids (as per your suggestion) it might be possible that it would try to kill the id which is running load database command itself. Similarly while bringing database offline how the id would run command of load database.

    Any thought please.

